Feb 16, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025 
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025


Technical Standards


Medical education requires that the accumulation of knowledge be accompanied by the acquisition of skills and professional attitudes and behavior. Medical school faculties have a responsibility to society to matriculate and graduate the best possible physicians, and thus admission to medical school is offered to those who present the highest qualifications for the study and practice of medicine. Technical standards presented in this document are prerequisite for admission, progression, and graduation from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. To accomplish its mission LSUHSC-New Orleans has developed a curriculum consisting of core courses and clerkships, required rotations, and elective rotations. The faculty and administration of the school have developed essential functions with which all students must comply independently in order to satisfy medical school curriculum demands. All core courses in the curriculum are required so that students can develop the essential knowledge and skills necessary to function in a broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care.

The LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans maintains a strong institutional commitment to equal education opportunities for qualified students with disabilities who apply for admissions to the School of Medicine or who are already enrolled. The technical standards are not intended to deter any candidate for whom reasonable accommodations will allow the fulfillment of the complete curriculum. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act LSUHSC has determined that certain technical standards must be met by prospective candidates and students. A candidate for the M.D. degree must possess aptitude, abilities, and skills in the five areas discussed below as advised by the Special Advisory Panel on Technical Standards for Medical School Admissions convened by the AAMC. (memorandum #79-4)

The individual must be able to observe demonstrations and participate in experiments of science, including but not limited to dissection of cadavers: examination of specimens in anatomy, pathology and neuroanatomy laboratories, physiologic and pharmacologic demonstrations, microbiologic cultures, and microscopic studies of microorganisms and tissues. Medical students must be capable of viewing and interpreting diagnostic modalities and to detect and interpret non-verbal communication from patients.

Students should be able to communicate with patients in order to elicit information, detect changes in mood, activity and to establish therapeutic relationships. Students should be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and all members of the health care team both in person, in writing and possibly through telecommunication.

Motor Function and Coordination:
Individuals must possess the capacity to perform physical examinations and diagnostic maneuvers. Individuals must be able to perform motor activities required in providing general and emergency treatment to patients, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, administering intravenous medication, applying pressure to stop bleeding, opening obstructed airways, suturing simple wounds, and performing routine obstetrical maneuvers.

Intellectual Abilities: Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative:
Individuals must have sufficient cognitive abilities and effective learning techniques to assimilate detailed and complex information presented in the medical school curriculum. Individuals must be able to learn through a variety of modalities including classroom instruction; small group, team and collaborative activities; individual study; preparation and presentation of reports and use of computer and information technology. Individuals must be able to memorize, measure, calculate, reason, analyze, synthesize, and transmit information by multiple mechanisms. Problem solving, a critical skill demanded of physicians, may require all of these intellectual abilities. Individuals must meet applicable safety standards for the environment and follow universal precaution procedures.

Behavioral and Social Attributes:
Individuals must possess the emotional health required for the appropriate use of their intellectual and mental abilities, including logical thinking, good judgment, impulse control, empathy, interest, and motivation. These abilities should be sufficient to assure the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with patients and those who care for them. Individuals must be able to maintain emotional health despite stress, uncertainty, and physically taxing workloads and to adapt to changing situations while handling the responsibilities associated with medical education and patient care. Individuals must accept responsibility for learning, exercising good judgment and promptly completing all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients.

The technical standards outlined above must be met with or without accommodation. Students who, after review of these technical standards, determine that they require reasonable accommodation to fully engage in the program should contact the Office of Disability Services at (504) 568-2211 or ods@lsuhsc.edu to confidentially discuss their accommodation needs. Given the clinical nature of our programs, time may be needed to create and implement the accommodations. Accommodations are never retroactive; therefore, timely requests are encouraged.

Louisiana State University School of Medicine - New Orleans will consider for admission, progression, and graduation individuals who demonstrate the knowledge and the ability to perform or learn to perform the skills described in this document. Individuals will be assessed not only on their scholastic accomplishments, but also on their physical and emotional capacities to meet the requirements of the school’s curriculum and to graduate as skilled and effective practitioners of medicine.


Academic Standards



The academic community of the School of Medicine is committed to maintaining an environment of open and honest intellectual inquiry. Both faculty, residents, and students have the right to enjoy an educational environment characterized by the highest standards of ethical professional conduct. The individuals who comprise the LSUHSC campus come from many different cultural backgrounds. Discriminatory comments or actions relative to gender, sexual orientation, racial origin, creed, age, physical or mental status can interfere with an individual’s performance and create an intimidating, hostile, and offensive educational and work environment. Individuals who manifest such unprofessional behavior in any of these areas are disruptive and in violation of the School of Medicine’s Code of Professional Conduct and of LSU Medical Center Policy. Report of such conduct will be reviewed by the Council on Professional Conduct according to the “Rules of Procedure” set forth in the Code.

The students, residents, and faculty share the responsibility, to themselves and to their colleagues, to protect their individual rights and those of the academic community as a whole. To this end, and to ensure the rights of due process to members of the academic community, the students, residents, and faculty of the School of Medicine have adopted this Code of Professional Conduct. This Code governs questions of professional conduct, including but not limited to, dishonest, disruptive, discriminatory, and illegal activities. Penalty for such misconduct could lead to dismissal from the LSU School of Medicine.

Questions of academic grievances are addressed through procedures established specifically for that purpose.

Professional Behavior:

In addition to the requirements of adequate knowledge, skills, and judgment, Promotions Committees may evaluate a student’s professional behavior. A medical student must demonstrate the personal qualities which are essential components of the profession. Students are expected to adhere to all school and institutional policies, including student responsibilities as outlined in CM-56. Students are also expected to communicate appropriately with patients, peers, faculty, and staff and to exhibit honesty and integrity at all times.

Students who demonstrate lapses in professional behavior will be brought up for discussion at the appropriate Promotions Committee meeting.

Students may be placed on probation or dismissed for unprofessional behavior.

General Guidelines for Decisions Regarding Promotions and Graduation:
Consideration of academic performance and decisions regarding promotions are undertaken by the Preclinical Student Promotions Committee (for first- and second-year students) and the Clinical Student Promotions Committee (for third- and fourth-year students), described herewith as the appropriate Promotions Committee.

A. Satisfactory Academic Performance:

  1. Requirements for Advancement with Class:
    • A student must pass all courses in the curriculum in a given academic year, as defined by the faculty. Passing all courses will result in the student’s automatic promotion to the next year, providing the student’s attitude and behavior are deemed professional and appropriate.
  2. Promotion to the senior (fourth) year:
    • In order to be promoted to the senior year, a student must successfully complete all first, second- and third-year course requirements and achieve a minimum passing score on the USMLE Step 1 examination as defined by the NBME (see below).
  3. Requirements for Graduation:
    • The degree Doctor of Medicine will be conferred upon all students who have:
      • Filed satisfactory evidence of having complied with the admissions requirements.
      • Completed four years of medical school instruction, the last two (or equivalent) of which must have been spent at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine.
      • Attended the instruction in all departments or teaching units and satisfactorily completed all course work and examinations (including passing Steps 1 and 2 (CK) of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, as required by the faculty).
      • Completed a standardized patient examination at the end of the third year.
      • Met all financial requirements of the School of Medicine.

B. Unsatisfactory Academic Performance:

In the instance of unsatisfactory academic performance, the mechanism by which a student may remediate a deficiency may include engaging in remedial work and reexamination or repeating the course/clerkship/elective. Permission for such resides with the appropriate Promotions Committee. Failure of either a reexamination or a repeated course/clerkship/elective within or outside of the school will result in consideration for dismissal from the School of Medicine by the appropriate Promotions Committee.

  1. Probation Definition: Probationary status will be assigned by the appropriate Promotions Committee when a student is repeating a course, clerkship, or entire academic year. Probation may be assigned for a semester or academic year. A student on probation who fails a course, repeated course, clerkship, or any course in the repeat of an academic year will be considered for dismissal.
  2. Remediation of Deficiency: A grade of Fail in any course is indicative of an academic deficiency. All academic deficiencies must be remediated before a student is eligible for promotion. This requires additional work or some corrective action on the part of the student. Permission to remediate a deficiency on probation is granted to the student by the appropriate Promotions Committee. The manner in which a deficiency may be remediated and the length of time to be allowed for the remediation of a deficiency is to be specified by the department or faculty of the course in which the deficiency has occurred and/or the appropriate Promotions Committee. The completed work is indicated on the student’s record as REM (remedial). Remediation of individual pre-clinical courses, not part of a repeated year, are graded as Pass / Fail. Remediation of individual clinical clerkships are graded as Honors / High Pass / Pass / Fail.
  3. Reexamination or Repeating a Course/Clerkship/Elective:


  • One Failing Grade:
    In year one a student who receives one failing grade in an academic year will be given consideration to either repeat the course or take a reexamination in the course. Repetition of the course will be required if one is available in a summer school program, as listed by the Association of American Medical Colleges, and/or approved by the department or teaching unit involved. If a course is not available, the student may take a reexamination in the subject after a period of self-study of the course material.
  • Two Failing Grades (year one only):
    A student who fails two courses in a single year will be considered for repeating the academic year on probation. The option to resolve the two deficiencies by doing remedial summer work will be considered if one of the courses is less than 50 hours of credit. However, a careful review of the academic performance in all coursework completed during the academic year will be made before deciding whether the student can remediate the deficient courses, repeat the entire academic year on probation, or be dismissed.


  • In the second year, a student can receive a grade of Fail in a course in one of two ways:
    • A student whose final average, including all graded components, is less than 69.5 will receive a grade of Fail.
    • A student who receives a grade of Fail on all of the quizzes and examinations (Questionmark and NBME) will receive a grade of Fail for the course regardless of the student’s final average.
  • If a student fails the NBME final subject exam but passes all other requirements in one of the second-year courses, the student will receive a grade of Incomplete in that course, regardless of their final course average. In this case, the student has one opportunity to re-take the final NBME subject exam on a scheduled date, without the need for action by the Preclinical Promotions Committee. If the student passes the exam, they will receive a final grade of Pass for the course at the end of the academic year.
  • If a student fails the final customized NBME subject exam in two or more classes resulting in Incomplete grades, the Preclinical Promotions Committee will review their entire academic performance regardless of the status of the Incomplete grades. The committee may recommend repeating the entire academic year on probation. Any Incomplete that has not been remediated will be converted to Fail.
  • If a student receives a grade of Fail in one second year course, they will be referred to the Preclinical Promotions Committee for discussion regarding remediation. The student may be allowed to remediate the course. If the student is allowed to remediate, they must pass the NBME subject exam in addition to the other requirements determined by the course directors in order to pass the remediation. If the student fails remediation, they may be required to repeat the second year on probation.
  • If a student receives a grade of Fail in more than one second year course, or if a student receives a grade of Fail in one course and a grade of Incomplete in another course, they will be referred to the Preclinical Promotions Committee for discussion regarding remediation. The student may be required to repeat the second year on probation, or the student may be allowed to remediate both deficiencies prior to starting the junior year. If the student is allowed to remediate the courses, they must pass the NBME subject exams in addition to the other requirements determined by the course directors.


  • One Failing Grade:
    In the third year, a student in good academic standing who fails a single clerkship will be allowed to repeat the clerkship. In the fourth year, a student in good academic standing who fails a single course will be allowed to remediate as determined by the course director and by the department.
    • If a student fails the NBME final subject exam but passes all other requirements in one of the third-year clerkships, the student will receive a grade of Incomplete in that clerkship. In this case, the student has one opportunity to re-take the final NBME subject exam on a scheduled date. If the student passes the exam, they will receive a final grade of Pass for the clerkship. If they fail the exam, they will receive a final grade of Fail for the clerkship.
  • Two Failing Grades:
    Students incurring deficiencies in two clerkships/ electives in either the third or fourth year will be given consideration for repeating the entire academic year on probation.

4. Repetition of the Academic Year:

  • Permission to repeat a year in the curriculum will be considered for those whom the appropriate Promotions Committee believes have sufficient ability but may have been slow to adapt to the schoolwork, may have been inadequately prepared, may have had health problems that interfered with performance, or may have had other problems that the committee considers relevant.

United States Medical Licensing Examination - STEP 1 and STEP 2

In order to begin any senior rotations (excluding Flex blocks), a student must successfully complete all first-, second-, and third-year course requirements and achieve a minimum passing score on the USMLE Step 1 examination as defined by the NBME.

  • Students must pass USMLE Step 1 within one calendar year of the first attempt (exclusive of leaves of absence). Students who fail to meet this deadline will be automatically dismissed.
  • Students who fail USMLE Step 1 for the first or second time may be allowed to complete their third year clinical rotations. These students must retake and pass the exam before starting senior rotations (excluding Flex blocks).