Feb 21, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025
BIOS 7410 - TEACHING PRACTICUM IN BIOSTATISTICS[1 Credit] Advanced PhD students in Biostatistics working under the supervision of a faculty member will have the opportunity to gain valuable in-class teaching experience. Students will be intensely involved in all aspects of course teaching and administration. Working closely with a faculty member, the student will prepare a syllabus, lectures, handouts, quizzes, and exams. The student will also be responsible for all grading of homework, quizzes and exams. The faculty member will evaluate each of the lectures, providing direction, advice and feedback to the student. A written evaluation detailing the student’s performance will be provided as feedback to the student and will be the basis for the (Pass/Fail) grade. Each PhD student in Biostatistics is required to successfully complete at least 3 hours of supervised teaching before graduation. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the qualifying exam at the PhD level.