Feb 19, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025 
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025


[152 Hours]
Teaching is an important skill for physicians to learn, and residents have a primary role in the education of medical students from the beginning of their postgraduate training. This elective will allow students to begin the development of their own teaching skills within the fourth year of medical school so that they can be more prepared to fulfill their role as a medical educator their first day of internship. The course will be offered in blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 11. Students will be required to attend a workshop on teaching and feedback skills at the beginning of the rotation. They will be required to teach junior students on junior clerkship rotations on inpatient and/or outpatient units several days per week depending on the circumstances of the clerkship. Attendance at educational events, particularly those related to teaching, will also be expected over the four week course, and there will also be periods of independent study. This will allow for students to attend interviews if they which to participate during those blocks. Participants will develop at least two brief, specific topics related to their chosen field for presentation to their junior students with the help of the course instructors as needed. Participants will also be responsible for writing a brief reflection on how the rotation impacted their view of teaching and their career goals within medical education.