Feb 16, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PEDI 418 - Pediatric Secondary/Supplemental Acting Internship[152 Hours] The student functions as an intern in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of acutely and chronically ill hospitalized children and adolescents under the direct supervision of house officers and faculty. This Acting Internship can be done in the NICU, the PICU, Wards or a combination of NICU/PICU. During the Acting Internship, the student will be required to take overnight call. Evaluation will be based on day-to-day observation by faculty and house officers while the student is performing assigned duties. The experience is offered at Children’s Hospital. Students must specify one of the following as space is limited. 418a: NICU, 418b:PICU, 418c Wards; 418d NICU/PICU.