Feb 19, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
EPID 7351 - SAMPLING AND SURVEY METHODS[3 Credits] Designed for doctoral degree students, this course will focus on sampling and survey methodology. First, sampling will be covered with emphasis on the practical problems of sample design, which will provide students with an understanding of principles and practice in skills required to select subjects and analyze sample data. Topics covered include stratified, clustered, systematic, and multi-stage sample designs, unequal probabilities and probabilities proportional to size, area and telephone sampling, sampling errors, and practical designs and procedures (e.g., non-response, coverage). The second phase of the course will focus on data collection, including the design of questions and questionnaires used in survey research as well as various survey techniques. Topics include techniques for measuring past, current, and future behaviors and events, the effects of question wording and cognitive guidelines for question construction, response formats and question sequence on responses, an introduction to the psychometric perspectives in multi-item scale design, strategies for obtaining sensitive or personal information, issues in translating questionnaires, and an introduction to techniques for testing survey questions. Methods and modes (e.g., face-to-face, telephone, mail, web-based) of data collection will be covered and compared, including self-completion versus interview surveys, alternative methods such as diaries, administrative records, and direct observation, and current advances in computer-assisted survey data collection (e.g., CAPI, CATI).