Feb 16, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ANAT 420 - ANATOMY CLINICAL[152 Hours] This 4 week course provides senior medical students with the opportunity to re-explore the anatomy of the human body with particular emphasis on their individual areas of interest prior to entering residency. The emphasis is on the anatomic basis of clinical medicine. The course also provides intensive exposure to basic clinical and surgical the procedures expected of them during their residency. To this end, the course utilizes multiple visiting clinicians from various specialties as guest demonstrators. The students can either assist in the clinical demonstration or replicate the procedures performed on cadavers and simulators. Emphasis is always on the clinical importance of anatomy. The course takes place in a combination of lecture hall, anatomy cadaver lab, and Center for Advanced Practice demonstration and simulation labs. Evaluation is by attendance, attitude, and participation on an Honors/HighPass/Pass/Fail scale.