Feb 19, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NURS 4357 - POPULATION FOCUSED NURSING THEORY[3 Credits] Public health/Community health nursing is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences according to the American Nurses Association (Public Health Nursing-Scope and Standards of Practice, 2007, p. 5). Population-focused nursing theory has goals of health promotion and prevention of disability and disease in populations utilizing a global focus. This course is introduced from a contemporary and emerging perspective of developing a healthy global community. The basic concepts of epidemiology along with the public health principles and theories, which underline the practice of public health, will be presented. Utilizing community health theory, research findings, and health promotion principles, the individual, family, community, and health care delivery systems will be examined. The course will expand further in population focused nursing theory and practice to guide the nurse as a contributing member of community organizations in health care delivery and global health issues. Prerequisites: NURS 3355, 3365, 3358, 3368, 3370, and 3451. Co requisites: NURS 4358