Mar 31, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)

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Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)

The Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) Program is offered by the School of Graduate Studies in collaboration with the School of Nursing at Louisiana State University Health New Orleans (LSUHNO). The School of Graduate Studies and the School of Nursing are two of six professional schools comprising the academic health sciences center in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing degree is a research-focused doctorate, widely recognized for its emphasis on intellectual inquiry, scholarship, and research.  The PhD in Nursing is conferred for work of distinction in which the student displays the ability to make an original contribution of scholarship in nursing. The PhD program prepares nurse scientists to generate knowledge that advances the science of nursing.  The PhD in Nursing graduate will design and conduct original research, lead inter-professional research teams, and disseminate research findings.  Commensurate with the LSUHNO SON mission, vision, and core values, the PhD in Nursing student embraces ethically and scientifically responsible research. 


The purpose of the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing curriculum is to prepare nurse scholars for academic careers, and a variety of roles including those in clinical practice and administration, to include research to inform their work in healthcare.


Upon completion of the requirements for the PhD in Nursing degree, the graduate will demonstrate the following outcomes:

  1. Incorporate the philosophical and theoretical foundations of nursing knowledge to guide the research process.
  2. Engage in activities that promote professional socialization as scholars.
  3. Use critical analysis to synthesize knowledge from nursing and other disciplines as a foundation for research.
  4. Demonstrate scientific and ethical integrity in the design, conduct, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of research.
  5. Initiate collaborative relationships with nursing and inter-professional scholars in research.
  6. Conduct original research contributing to the advancement of nursing science for translation into practice.
  7. Disseminate research findings to the scientific and health policy communities.

Admissions Criteria

There are three pathways to obtain a PhD in Nursing degree at the LSUHNO SON: the (1) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Entry, (2) Master’s Entry, and (3) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Entry.

Master’s Entry

  1. Completed on-line application through NursingCAS.
  2. A baccalaureate degree in nursing and master’s degree in nursing or related field from a college or university accredited by a recognized national nursing accrediting body.
  3. A grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate course work and 3.5 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate course work reflected on transcripts. If an applicant has attended a previous nursing program without degree conferral, a letter of academic good standing must be provided from that school of nursing.
  4. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for all applicants who have English as a second language or who are not graduates of programs in the United States.
  5. A research specific goal statement written by the applicant.
  6. Submission of a current Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Three references in support of graduate admission application must be submitted by the application deadline. At least two recommendations must be from a university or college faculty member.
  8. A current unencumbered license to practice nursing in any state with eligibility for licensure in Louisiana. A Louisiana license must be obtained upon enrollment in the program.
  9. Successful completion of the interview process.

BSN Entry

  1. Completed on-line application through NursingCAS.
  2. A baccalaureate degree in nursing from a college or university accredited by a recognized national nursing accrediting body
  3. A grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale for all undergraduate course work reflected on transcripts. If an applicant has attended a previous nursing program without degree conferral, a letter of good standing must be provided from that school of nursing.
  4. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for all applicants who have English as a second language or who are not graduates of programs in the United States.
  5. A research specific goal statement written by the applicant.
  6. Submission of a current Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Three references in support of graduate admission application must be submitted by the application deadline. At least two recommendations must be from a university or college faculty member.
  8. A current unencumbered license to practice nursing in any state with eligibility for licensure in Louisiana. A Louisiana license must be obtained upon start of the program.
  9. Successful completion of the interview process.

DNP Entry

  1. Completed on-line application through NursingCAS.
  2. A DNP degree in nursing from a college or university accredited by a recognized national nursing accrediting body.
  3. A grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate course work reflected on transcripts. If an applicant has attended a previous nursing program without degree conferral, a letter of academic good standing must be provided from that school of nursing.
  4. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (internet-based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for all applicants who have English as a second language or who are not graduates of programs in the United States.
  5. A research specific goal statement written by the applicant.
  6. Submission of a current Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Three references in support of graduate admission application must be submitted by the application deadline. At least two recommendations must be from a university or college faculty member.
  8. A current unencumbered license to practice nursing in any state with eligibility for licensure in Louisiana. A Louisiana license must be obtained upon start of the program.
  9. Successful completion of the interview process.

Types of Admission

Unconditional Admission: granted to applicants meeting all requirements for admission.

Probationary Admission: granted to applicants not meeting all admission criteria; the applicant shows promise for success based on the applicant’s merits.

Provisional Admission: granted to applicants unable to submit the required credentials by the deadline. Students granted provisional admission must submit credentials within 30 days of the first day of class.

Non-Degree Status: granted to applicants interested in enrolling in graduate courses but have not been admitted into a program of study. Non-degree seeking students are not allowed to enroll in more than 6 hours. Admission under this status is selective; may be limited depending on program resources; and is granted by the Dean.

Residency or Foreign Language Requirements

There are no residency or foreign language requirements for the doctoral program of study.

Selection of Major Professor

Students who have successfully completed the prescribed 12 hours of doctoral study are eligible to select their major professor. The major professor is selected before undertaking support courses.

Transfer Credit

Graduate students may petition to transfer credits from other accredited universities for application to LSUHNO degree programs. The maximum transfer allowed is fifteen credit hours when studying at the doctoral level. Graduate course work may be transferred provided each course:

  1. Fulfills requirements specified in the student’s graduate degree plan.
  2. Student achieved a grade of “B” or better in course(s).
  3. Was not counted toward another degree.
  4. Was completed within the eight-year time limit for the degree.
  5. Transfer credit for each course may be requested and applied to a graduate degree only one time.

Students will not receive credit for any course taken outside LSUHSC when it is offered the same semester at LSUHSC or the LSU system. Petitions must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor or major professor and the Associate Dean or Dean.

Transfer Credit

Graduate students may petition to transfer credits from other accredited universities for application to LSUHNO degree programs. The maximum transfer allowed is fifteen credit hours when studying at the doctoral level. Graduate course work may be transferred provided each course:

  1. Fulfills requirements specified in the student’s graduate degree plan.
  2. Student achieved a grade of “B” or better in course(s).
  3. Was not counted toward another degree.
  4. Was completed within the eight-year time limit for the degree.
  5. Transfer credit for each course may be requested and applied to a graduate degree only one time.

Students will not receive credit for any course taken outside LSUHSC when it is offered the same semester at LSUHSC or the LSU system. Petitions must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor or major professor and the Associate Dean or Dean.

Graduate Grading System

The graduate degree program of study employs a letter grade and quality point system where A = 4 quality points, indicates superior work, and is equivalent to 90 - 100 numerical points. A grade of B = 3 quality points, indicates satisfactory work, and is equivalent to 80-89 numerical points. A grade of C is below expected academic performance, yields 2 quality points, and the numerical equivalent is 70-79. A grade of D = 1 quality point is an unsatisfactory grade and represents 60 - 69 numerical points. The grade of F carries no quality points, is an unsatisfactory grade, and numerically represents a score of 59 or less.

There are three interim grades used in the graduate degree program of study. These are “I, “S,” and “U.” The “I” grade indicates satisfactory performance by the student who, due to unavoidable circumstances, cannot complete course requirements before the close of the semester. The student may obtain permission for the “I” grade by petitioning the course coordinator, and the Associate Dean or the Dean of the School for extended time to complete the required work. A grade of “I” will be converted to an “F” unless it is removed prior to the deadline for adding courses for the next semester as published in the calendar. If removal of the “I” is not finished in a timely manner and reported to the Office of Student Affairs, the “I” grade will automatically be converted to the grade of “F.” The student should refer to the academic calendar for dates of deadlines for removal of incomplete grades.

The grade of “S” is awarded for satisfactory work in thesis and dissertation courses. Upon completion of all requirements, the “S” is converted to “P” for the thesis or dissertation. A grade of “U” is awarded for unsatisfactory thesis or dissertation work. Students who earn a “U” have two semesters (one calendar year) to complete the thesis or dissertation.

“W” is the grade issued to all students who enroll and subsequently withdraw from a course after attending up to 20 percent of actual class time. A grade of F is awarded to any student who attends 80 percent or more of actual class time and who withdraws before completion of the course.

Academic Progression in Doctor of Philosophy Program

Registration for any course must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor or major professor. Eligibility to progress in the doctoral program is dependent on satisfactory performance in all courses. This refers to:

  1. Passing all courses with a “B” or higher
  2. Maintaining an overall GPA of 3.0
  3. Receiving an “S” (Satisfactory) each semester while registered in NURS 8000 - DISSERTATION

Students cannot register for any doctoral nursing course more than twice except:



Students may be permitted to continue in the program; however, repeating a course or registering more than once for a course may disrupt the original plan of study and require revision of the student’s plan of study. The original 8-year time limit for successful completion of all doctoral work remains in force, regardless of purposive or inadvertent changes in the student’s plan of study. Students’ time limit date to complete the program is determined at the student’s first semester of coursework.

Progression to Doctoral Candidacy General Examination

Students who have successfully completed all academic requirements recommended by the Major Professor are eligible to write the general examination. Student must complete the “Registration for general Examination” form and obtain the signature of the Major Professor as approval to do so. Students who pass the general examination are reclassified as doctoral candidates.

Certification for the Doctoral Degree - Final Examination

The final examination is the oral defense of the dissertation. Doctoral candidates who have registered for dissertation advisement for at least three semesters and completed a dissertation to the satisfaction of the dissertation committee are eligible to take the final examination.

Requirements for Graduation Doctor of Philosophy

Students must meet the following graduation requirements:

  1. Satisfactory completion of all course work as specified by the PhD curriculum and the Major Professor.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on all course work, with no grade lower than a B.
  3. Completion and satisfactory defense of a dissertation directed by a dissertation committee.
  4. Recommendation of the Faculty, and approval by the Admissions, Progression and Graduation Committee.
  5. Attendance at rehearsal, pre-commencement and Commencement unless specifically excused by the Dean.
  6. Verification that all materials belonging to the Health Sciences Center and cooperating agencies have been returned through the proper procedures. These materials would include such items as library books, equipment, keys, furniture, or related items.
  7. Satisfactory status concerning all financial obligations to the LSU System.
  8. Completion of end of course evaluation, exit survey and all components of compliance training.

Dissertation Advisement

Students writing dissertations are required to register for advisement before receiving assistance from the committee chairperson or any committee member. After completion of course work, continuous registration in dissertation is required. Failure of students to continuously register for and satisfactorily (S grade) complete NURS 8000 each semester may result in termination from the doctoral program.


There are three pathways to obtaining a PhD in Nursing degree at the LSUHNO SON: the (1) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Entry, (2) Masters Entry, and (3) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Entry.

Curriculum Plan (BSN to PhD) Total credit hours: 85*

*This plan represents the minimum hours. Additional hours may be prescribed by the Major Professor.

Curriculum Plan (Masters Entry) Total credit hours: 63*

*This plan represents the minimum hours. Additional hours may be prescribed by the Major Professor.

Curriculum Plan (DNP to PhD) Total credit hours: 56*

*This plan represents the minimum hours. Additional hours may be prescribed by the Major Professor.

Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Policy

The purpose of obtaining the background check and urine drug screen is to protect the public. Students are responsible for the background check and urine drug screen fees. Background checks are ordered through Certiphi and urine drug screens are ordered through Premier.

Additional types of background screening and urine drug tests may also be required depending upon the policies of the clinical agencies where students are assigned to provide patient care. Students are responsible for the background check and urine drug screen fees.

The School of Nursing conducts random drug screenings. Students are responsible for any/all random drug screening fees.

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