* If Anatomy (4 hours) and Physiology (4 hours) have been completed in the prior degree, students may be given 4 credit hours of Anatomy only.
Physical Sciences- Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Astronomy, and Meteorology
Fine Arts- Music, Visual Arts, Applied Arts, Theatre, and Dance
Humanities -Literature, Foreign Language, History, Communications, Philosophy, Classical Studies, and Religious Studies
Courses must conform to LA Board of Regents requirements for graduation from a Louisiana College or University and provide the foundation that supports the Nursing Curriculum.
Transfer to Traditional Program
Students, who are unsuccessful in the CARE program and desire to continue in nursing, may request a transfer to the transitional BSN program. They must meet with the program director of CARE, complete petition paperwork requesting the Admissions, Progressions and Graduation Committee (A, P, & G) approve a transfer from CARE to traditional BSN program.