Mar 13, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2016-2017 
Catalog/Bulletin 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Dental Laboratory Technology, AS

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The School offers an Associate of Science Degree in Dental Laboratory Technology. The program leads to employment as a dental laboratory technician. It is designed to prepare the student to function as a technician whose laboratory responsibilities would include construction of either removable appliances, such as partial or complete dentures, or fixed restorations, such as crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers and other all-ceramic restorations including Cad/Cam technologies and dental implants.

The following information concerns the program in dental laboratory technology offered by the school and pertains to that program only. Students enrolled in dental laboratory technology will be bound, however, by the same rules and regulations that apply to other students of the school and that are found elsewhere in this catalog.

Admissions and Regulations

  1. Admission to the program is by competitive application.
  2. Attainment of an acceptable quality point average in the required subjects is stressed.
  3. If a student is not accepted for a program, a new application and related materials must be submitted each year in which admission consideration is desired.

Students are enrolled once a year. The following are the admission guidelines:

  1. After October 15 of the year prior to anticipated entrance, an application will be available at the LSUSD website
  2. The application must be submitted to the school no later than June 30 of the year admission is sought.
  3. An official transcript from each college or university attended must be sent by the registrar of each institution directly to the Office of Admissions, LSU School of Dentistry, 1100 Florida Avenue, Box 228, New Orleans, LA 70119-2799.
  4. A recent passport-type photograph, full-face view, must accompany the application form.
  5. A copy of the applicant’s driver’s license.
  6. A residency verification form.
  7. A copy of you current Draft Card status (males only). Printed copies can be found at
  8. A personal interview with the Dental Laboratory Technology Admissions Committee is required.
  9. One confidential recommendation on the form provided is submitted directly to the Office of Admissions by one of the applicant’s previous instructors or teachers.

Minimum Requirements

Careful consideration will be given to those applicants who present evidence of preparation and achievement. For the associate degree program, 27 college-level general education credit hours are required. These general-education credit hours are in addition to the curriculum in technology at LSUSD and may be taken at an institution of the student’s choosing prior to or concurrent with the DLT course work at LSUSD. All subjects in general education must be taken at an institution whose credits are transferable to the LSU system.

All applicants must demonstrate the ability to perform college level work by completing most or all of their general-education requirements prior to admission.

Additional Expenses

  • Uniform $250
  • Instruments (2 years) $1,700
  • Books (2 years) $750
  • Equipment and Instrument Rental Fee (yearly) $250

Associate of Science Degree - AS

The Associate of Science degree will be awarded upon completion of the above 27 credit hours and the additional 58 dental-laboratory credit hours for a total of 85  semester hours. No more than three hours of transfer credit will be awarded for any single course.

Required Courses

  • English Composition [6 Credits]
  • Mathematics (college-level algebra and higher) [6 Credits]
  • Inorganic Chemistry (Lecture) [3 Credits]
  • Sociology [3 Credits]
  • Humanities* [3 Credits]
  • Fine Arts** (music, art, or drawing) [3 Credits]
  • Natural Science (biology, zoology, or botany) [3 Credits]

Total: 27 Credits



All general study requirements must be completed prior to the start of spring semester of the graduation year.

For prerequisite and enrollment information about the DLT Associate of Science degree program at LSUSD, contact the LSUSD Dental Laboratory Technology Program at 504-941-8085 or

*Humanities - courses must be selected from the following: history, speech, literature, philosophy, religion, or foreign language.

**Fine Arts - drawing is preferred.

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