Mar 06, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Appeals


Final Grades

Appeals of final course grades must be initiated by the student/resident within five working days of receipt of the disputed grade. To appeal a final course grade, the student/resident must first meet with the course director to discuss the situation and attempt to establish resolution. If the matter is not resolved between the student/resident and the course director and the student/resident wishes to pursue the appeal, he/she must then make a written request to the head of the department in which the course was taught requesting a meeting with the department head and the course director. The department head shall arrange a meeting within 10 working days of receipt of the request and, at the close of the meeting or within five working days thereafter, the department head shall render a decision. The department head shall inform all parties of the decision in writing. If the student/resident is dissatisfied with the decision reached, he/she may submit notification and justification of his/her decision to appeal, in writing, to the Academic Dean. This notification and justification of appeal must be submitted to the Academic Dean within five working days after notification of the department head’s decision. The Academic Dean will forward the notification and justification received to the Dean who, in turn, will appoint a three-faculty member Ad Hoc Academic Appeals Committee. The Ad Hoc Academic Appeals Committee shall review the written justification for the appeal submitted by the student/resident and offer the student/resident the opportunity to meet with the members of this committee to personally present the justification and answer questions of the committee members for clarification.  The Ad Hoc Academic Appeals Committee shall render a recommendation in writing to the Dean within fifteen working days from its appointment. The Dean shall consider the recommendation and render a decision on the appeal within 30 days from the date of receipt of the recommendation. The decision of the Dean shall be in writing to the student/resident and copies of the decision shall be given to all parties. The decision of the appeal reached by the Dean represents the final level of due process in the School of Dentistry.

Action of Academic Performance Advancement Committees

Appeals of action(s) taken by the Academic Performance Advancement Committee must be appealed within 5 working days after receipt of notification of the committee action(s). The appeal must be in writing to the Dean and contain the following information: (1) a statement of the actions complained of, (2) the relief requested, and (3) a specific statement of the reasons supporting the relief sought. The Dean or his assignee may recommend the matter to the Academic Performance Advancement Committee for consideration of additional evidence. If the matter is recommended to the Academic Performance Advancement Committee for reconsideration, the committee shall be convened. At that meeting, the members will review the written statement of appeal submitted to the Dean and the student/resident will be offered the opportunity to address committee to personally present the statement of appeal and answer questions of the committee members for clarification.   The committee shall make its recommendation to the dean within 5 working days of this meeting. The Dean shall consider the recommendation and render a decision on the appeal within 30 days from the date of receipt of the recommendation.  The decision of the Dean shall be in writing and copies of the decision shall be given to all parties. The decision of the appeal reached by the Dean represents the final level of due process in the School of Dentistry.


A student who for legitimate reasons is unable to return to school at the opening of any semester or who, for acceptable reasons, must discontinue school during the academic year will ordinarily be permitted to withdraw in good standing. A student who withdraws from the school will receive a “W” grade for each course that is less than 80% completed, according to assigned clock hours. For courses that are 80% or more complete at the time of withdrawal, a “W” will be recorded when student performance is satisfactory, or an “F” will be recorded when student performance is unsatisfactory. A student who has withdrawn in good standing may apply for readmission on the basis of the student’s status at the time of withdrawal. In general, a student will not be considered for readmission if the absence has been for more than two consecutive years.

Approved Absences

The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may grant a petition for an approved absence (minumum of five consecutive school days) in case of medical or personal reasons.  Approved absences may also be granted for participation at a professional meeting sanctioned by the student adviser.  For any approved absence, the student must arrange with the faculty involved to make up satisfactorily all work the student will miss. The student should contact the Office of Academic Affairs for the criteria for consideration of an Approved Absence.