Mar 28, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Office of Innovations & Partnerships

LOCATION: Resource Center Building Suite 827
PHONE: (504) 568-8303
FAX: (504) 568-5588

The Office of Innovations & Partnerships (formerly Office of Technology Management) at LSU Health Sciences Center-New Orleans facilitates the research enterprise and provides a means for faculty, staff, and students to bring significant novel intellectual property to the commercial marketplace. This process is called Technology Transfer.

The major steps in Technology Transfer include disclosure of inventions, evaluation, patent prosecution, marketing, negotiation of license agreements, and management of active licenses. Employees of LSUHSC-NO have an obligation to disclose their inventions to the University under the terms of employment. Students have the opportunity to utilize these services as well. The Technology Transfer process begins when inventors submit a technology disclosure summary to the Office of Technology Management.

The Technology Transfer Committee, composed of leading LSUHSC-NO researchers and clinicians, evaluates technologies based upon scientific merit, patentability, and marketability.

If technologies are successfully licensed, revenue received from licensing deals is shared with the inventor(s) in accordance with LSU System policy. Detailed information on these issues can be found in Permanent Memoranda 16 on Technology Transfer and Permanent Memoranda 64 concerning Intellectual Property - Distribution of Royalties and Other Matters.

In addition to the actual technology transfer process, the Office of Innovations & Partnerships is charged with establishing and enabling the relationships necessary for certain aspects of research and collaboration to occur. This includes negotiating Material Transfer Agreements, Confidential Disclosure Agreements, and Inter-Institutional Agreements. The Office of Innovations & Partnerships is committed to encouraging economic development for the New Orleans region and the State of Louisiana and producing positive social impacts with the work of LSUHSC-NO inventors. We encourage inventors and industry to contact us regarding opportunities for LSUHSC-NO technology.