Sep 14, 2024  
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 
Catalog/Bulletin 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Endodontics MSD

The Endodontics Program duration is 24 months and is designed to give advanced specialty-level education to an individual committed to the practice of endodontics. Upon satisfactory completion of the program, the student will receive a Master of Science in Dentistry and a Certificate in Endodontics, and will possess the necessary credentials to be declared “board eligible” by the American Board of Endodontics. The student will spend approximately 60 percent of the assigned time in clinical practice, with the remainder comprising academic courses and seminars, teaching, and research. Coupled with appropriate supervision, clinical experience will expose students to the complete scope of an endodontic practice with adult, pediatric, and medically compromised patients. The range of clinical procedures includes diagnosis, emergency and trauma management, nonsurgical and surgical therapy, initial and re-treatment endodontic procedures, utilization of the operating microscope and many other aspects of the specialty. Management of 300 clinical cases and completion of an original research project are required.

Research experience and clinical experience beyond dental school (such as private practice, military experience, residencies, or teaching) will strengthen the applicant’s credentials.

Follow application directions for this program on the ADEA PASS website.